Bismarck 64th Anniversary: Survivors?

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Patrick McWilliams
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Bismarck 64th Anniversary: Survivors?

Post by Patrick McWilliams »

Today is the sixty-fourth anniversary of Bismarck's sinking.

Does anyone have reliable information on the number of survivors still alive today?

"The Crew" section of this site is coming on very well but it's very hard to know how many of the survivors dragged from the Atlantic are still with us.

The annual Bismarck remembrance ceremony at the Bismarck family estate in Germany appears to draw a considerable number of people: however, how many of these were actually on Bismarck on 27 May 1941, as opposed to having served on her before then or being related to a crew member?

Perhaps our German members of this website community could check the press back home to see if any information on this question is available?
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George Roumbos
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Post by George Roumbos »

Hello Patrick,
The only thing I can assure you about is that on May 27th 2005 there were 6 survivors present at the memorial at Friedrichsruh, I was there and attended the ceremony. At least two more are alive, as they sent their greetings but could't attend the service. It's estimated that some 20 -+5 are still alive.
Rgds, George
"Ich lasse mir doch mein Schiff nicht unter dem Arsch wegschiessen. Feuererlaubnis !"

George "tango-echo" Roumbos, Hellas
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